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Benefits of squid or squid or Alclemera
AL Amal Food Supplies


10 wonderful nutritional benefits to eating sea squid
For squid contain nutritional value of health where that has great benefits for the body because it contains minerals and vitamins and proteins useful for Sahh.omn benefits squid disease prevention
Squid or calamari or squid option healthy diet for humans, since it has a lot of useful nutrients. It is also a wonderful choice of diet, low Valhbar in calories and fat and high in protein. Also squid also contains some essential vitamins and minerals to the body. The benefits of squid wonderful for the body as it helps in the diet and the prevention of diseases and increase the body's immunity. This article will put some of the benefits of dietary squid.
Benefits of squid food
1. prevention of anemia. Of the most important benefits of squid prevention of anemia, where the squid contain 90% of the daily requirement of copper, which contributes to increase the absorption of iron in the body. The reduced amount of copper in the body leads to anemia or anemia.
2. prevention of arthritis. Squid has a good amount of the mineral selenium, which has a big role as an antioxidant and prevention of arthritis.
3. Increase the hair and skin health. Of the most important benefits of sea squid food contains a large proportion of Albrocnaatalta help in building the body's cells and increase the hair and skin health.
4. strengthen bones. Squid contain phosphorus, which has important benefits to the strengthening of calcium in the bones and teeth and strengthen the building.
5. beneficial to strengthen the muscles. Squid contains about 30% of the daily requirement of protein that helps build muscle without getting more fat.
6. prevention of heart disease. Squid is rich in vitamin B-12, which has the ability to reduce Alhomosistayen hormone levels in the body, which plays an important role in increasing the risk of having a stroke, heart and brain.
7. regulate the level of sugar. Among the benefits of dietary squid, regulate the level of sugar in the blood by vitamin B-3.
8. strengthen immunity. Squid contains some metals booster for immunity, such as zinc, copper, selenium, and that have a significant Gore in the prevention of the body from disease.
9. lower blood pressure. Among the benefits of squid, lower blood pressure level, containing potassium useful in reducing blood pressure.
10. get rid of stress. Squid helps get rid of stress thanks to the presence of magnesium. It also helps to relax the muscles of the body.
Warning eat squid

Despite the benefits of squid food for the body, but it has some caveats and side damage must be wary of them, such as:
• Increased cholesterol. If you are interested in reducing cholesterol, eat the squid should be in moderation as not to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.
• Health cooking method. Prepare squid prefer a healthy way so as not to increase his damaging. Grilling is considered the best ways to cook squid.