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Benefits of Rabbits
AL Amal Food Supplies


What are the benefits of rabbit meat 10 reasons you will eat at least once a week
Regarded rabbit meat of the most important kinds of meat, which is considered an important source of protein, especially as it contains less fat ratio, and only 20 percent of the body of the rabbit is bones and the rest for meat, and rabbit meat grams of natural and healthy multi-where concentrated nutritional value to fit on a 20 percent interest proteins, and about 4 percent fat, and the kilo gram of it contains 350 calories, which is rich in important such as vitamin b-12 vitamins as well as niacin, iron, selenium, phosphorus, and a little sodium below we will offer what is the importance of rabbit meat? What is the benefit addressed?
Benefits of rabbit meat
1 - food very useful and ideal for pregnant women: Always What You Need pregnant woman to a healthy and quick to digest and rich in nutrients and meat is rich in rabbits with vitamins, proteins and minerals food and the meat fibers are easy to digest and chew and taste unpalatable and is thus an important Gmaoua for pregnant women and children as well.
2. elimination of obesity and slimming: We mentioned that rabbit meat contain a high content of proteins is very low and low in fat compared to other types of meat, proteins, of course, and the proportion is very important vital processes in the body and kilogram of it contains 350 calories and is thus less kinds of meat in the proportion of calories that provide the body with so Vhadjom rabbits are a good source of protein for people who are obese and want to lose weight.
3. For patients with blood pressure: The rabbit meat food an important and very useful for patients who suffer from high blood pressure and this is due to it contains a very small percentage of the element sodium in addition to fit on a balanced important nutrients ratios and so it is a wonderful food, especially for people who suffering from high blood pressure.
4. Heart disease: rabbit meat is also a good Gmaoua for heart patients as it is free of harmful cholesterol on cardiovascular health, making it a good Gmaoua for people who suffer from heart disease.
5. maintains rabbit meat on the bones and teeth health is due to to contain a high proportion of very important calcium in the bones and teeth formation element.
6. rabbit meat contains potassium and magnesium, where they have the significant benefit in maintaining the health of the nervous system and strengthens the immune system and protects against stroke.
- Rabbit meat works to promote sexual health because it contains zinc element is treated women, from the kernels and increase sexual potency in men
8. help get rid of anemia and anemia due to the containment of rabbit meat a high content of iron is important for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.
9. help build tissue and muscles, strengthen and this is due to contain the ratio of phosphorus element
10. rabbit meat helps to increase mental activity because they contain potassium, zinc and other body very useful elements.
It should be noted that rabbit meat has become one of the most meat flush with the Europeans in the recent period of few to contain fat and rich in protein as eating a rabbit equivalent of eating two chickens full years in the proportion of proteins that the body gets it and thus rabbit meat have become more expensive in comparison with all kinds of meat other