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Benefits of Shrimp
9 important benefits in shrimp is strengthen the sexual health
Shrimp of the most famous and loved seafood scattered around the world because of its taste and taste very special, as it has other names, a shrimp and prawns, and is the shrimp flesh of the most important kinds of meat as they contain a small percentage of calories but low in too fat, and shrimp several types and colors Veugd gray shrimp and shrimp brown pink shrimp, but the most famous of these types is the shrimp and pink color, as shrimp size varies Oadhavhnak up a length of 6-7 cm and the brown shrimp have a giant as its length could be up to 30 cm, while in terms of value food shrimp is very useful in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, which contains important nutrients like many metal elements, vitamins, proteins and below we will learn about the most important health benefits of shrimp, and the most important food items it contains shrimp or shrimp are copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron and calcium and sodium, manganese, selenium and contains high proportions of Qatamen
B12, vitamin E, vitamin D, a small percentage of vitamin C if Valjmbri is a pharmacy containing a large number of very important to the health of nutrients
1 - cancer shrimp contains a high percentage of the element selenium, which attacks the free Sisters that cause cancer as selenium is a strong oxidizing agent concludes cells from free radicals.
2. the treatment of obesity and to avoid excessive weight gain shrimp contain small amounts of fat also contains low-calorie protein so the shrimp meat is a great alternative to other sources of protein, meat and helps slimming and treatment of obesity
3. skin and hair always going to be the skin and hair in need of more proteins therefore must be careful to take a straight-abundant proteins and shrimp provided significantly to maintain healthy skin and hair also it deals with shrimp has the hair healthy and the skin radiant, soft and healthy.
4. bone health shrimp contains a high proportion of elemental phosphorus, calcium and are important too heavily in the work to build bones and keep them strong and in good health
5. Improve the mood Shrimp is one of the important omega-3 fatty acid sources and have research studies have proven that this fatty acid works to relieve depression and improve mood and mental health in people who suffer from depression
6. thyroid is a copper component of the most important elements to keep the thyroid gland and shrimp health distinctive source of copper Gmaoua which makes it very important to maintain thyroid health and safety
7. Diabetes shrimp also contain magnesium element, which studies have shown the importance of research in reducing and preventing the development of diabetes in people with him
8. improve intimate relationship helps shrimp on improving sexual health because it contains zinc and Hobdela excellent red meat, which dealt with the lead time to clogged arteries and prevent the flow of blood to the genitals and is thus effectively works to improve sexual health in men.
9. a good source of protein for people vegetarians: where the shrimp meat contains a very small proportion of harmful fat and very few calories calories and therefore vegetarians prefer it because it provides them with a lot of elements that the body needs, especially for those who do not like eating other meats.
Thus, it is clear that the shrimp is freely eaters are very useful for diabetics and those who want to reduce the weight and diabetes and prevention of cancer and works to strengthen hair, skin and bones and teeth
Despite all that has been said of the important shrimp health and therapeutic benefits, however, must be careful and do not over-eat as excessive intake of shrimp may lead to allergies appearance against him it may also lead to gout due to increased uric acid in the blood.
We wish that we would have to provide a set of integrated information on shrimp multiple and benefits and care should be taken to take it even once a week and there is no extravagance in eating even enjoy its benefits and avoid disadvantages and has thus succeeded in exploiting these delicious eaters are very perfect.