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benefits of eating quail
AL Amal Food Supplies


The benefits of eating quail for men and women
Was mentioned as the quail with manna in the Koran when enumerating the blessings that God bestows upon the children of Israel, has glorified confirmed they of the good things of livelihood, as stated in the verse in Surah Taha: [O Children of Israel may Onginakm of your enemy, and Oaadnakm right side of the stage and sent down to you manna, Eat of the good things that We have provided] (80), it has been repeated mention manna in the other two places in Sura and al norms.
It is a small platoon of scalability rank Digajiat bird. It is widespread in Europe, Asia and Africa.
It is only from the rank of birds Digajiat who has the ability to fly and immigration where he is spending the summer in Europe and migrates to Africa in the winter and then return back to his homeland.
Quail wild bird migratory birds, which was Astinash long ago as the first Japanese began Astinash are about 200 years ago.
Female larger than the male, and is characterized by the presence of the male gland highest exit slot containing the foaming substance that helps in the process of mating.
Containing breast meat (white meat) to 73.5% water, 20.3% protein, 2.9% fat, 1.9% ash, in addition to fit on the mineral calcium, phosphorus, iron elements, as well as vitamins, most notably vitamin B group, vitamin A and vitamin C .
Its features and benefits to humans:
1. meat fat content is high and therefore be low in cholesterol as high cholesterol causes heart disease.
2. features quails Meat smooth as the muscle tissue is one of the soft type, where there is no fiber in meat tissue, making it easy chewing and palatability.
3. features quails Meat Balsafh marble (tiny granules of fat distribution between the meat tissue fibers), making a quail meat taste good.
4. quail meat favored by children and cook in many ways makes it a good species to eat.
5. As a result of the domestication of quail body muscles become the tenderness and softness which makes the meat a special taste and distinctive taste.